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Review by Jessica Oosthuizen (5 STARS)


The band’s sound is an amalgamation of various genres, including blues-, indie- garage- and punk rock. The band skilfully combines the different sounds through well-crafted riffs and striking lyrics.

Blues maestro Albert Frost, who produced the album, describes it as “proof that rock and roll is truly still alive”.

A Suburban Manifesto is a magnificent creation of music and the band certainly has a great deal of talent and passion. Their enthusiasm and energy beams through each of the songs. Their sound is unique and they are band to definitely take notice of.


Review by AxlPif (4.5 STARS)


Zengeance has skilfully created a unique blend of blues-, funk-, psychedelic-, indie-, pop-, garage- and punk Rock…

The song Killing Spree will give any Arctic Monkey song a run for their money.

I hate when all songs seem the same but not here, nope. What a mix of all these genres. If I was to pick (do I have to?) I’d pick garage. And boy what a garage band this is.

This is an album to have, love.


Review by Rolbees


Net as jy dink die kakhuis het in vlamme verswelg dan verras een of ander obskure nuwe jong band jou met passie en ballas, maak die ouer rock and roll geeste wakker, en daai bekende gevoel van rebelse lewenslus vul ons almal se gemoed en hoop vat weer vlam.

Albert Frost het hierdie album produce en ek is amper 100% seker hy het presies dit raakgesien wat ek kan aanvoel hierso.

Wie weet, met meer ondervinding vorentoe mag dié trio dalk net rock and roll Nirvana bereik.

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